Wednesday 14 May 2014

Dark Times......

I wanted to try and photograph a watch using light painting.

I hadn't tried it previously, so decided to give it a go.


Because a watch is a relatively a small item, I decided to use an even smaller torch to try and light the scene.

I have a single AAA (triple A) size torch that is basically a key ring size torch to light the watch.

I also used a much shorter shutter speed of 3 seconds, as I didn't want to light the watch all in one go.

I only took three images, as it quickly became apparent that photographing my watch wasn't going to be easy.

When I say it wasn't going to be easy, what I really mean was I could really make a success of it......

It's an ok image, but it didn't really turn out like I thought it would.

More practice is certainly required for smaller items, I haven't mastered this yet.

I think the stainless steel bezel and bracelet is fairly close to the colour of the actual item, but the watch itself wasn't as sharp as I wanted.

I would prefer that the whole bezel was sharp, instead of only half of the watch face.

Also, there was too much light being cast over the entire watch when I was lighting up parts of it, so a re-think on how I light the watch needs to occur.

I used a 40mm macro lens to take the images, maybe this was the wrong lens, and a re-think on how best to frame the watch and with what equipment needs to take place.

Not for the book, this image I am afraid....

Ain't experimenting fun!!!!!

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