Wednesday 14 May 2014

"Light" weight Racer.

After the watch shoot, it was time to try something different......

My son has a Ferrari.....

ok, he's almost fifteen and the Ferrari is a 250mm metal scale model, that came with his aftershave.........

Nevertheless, I thought that it would make a good subject to light paint.

I took 42 separate images for this light painting experiment. 

I wanted to systematically paint the car to produce an image that would hopefully make it into the photobook.

I set the camera up in the usual way, but this time chose, 5 second exposures.

I then proceeded to paint the table and the car in a clockwise motion. I tried to paint a panel of the car at a time, so that the light would be uniform.

Below is the final image.

I must confess, I am very happy with the final result. This image will definitely make it into the photobook. 

I love the highlights created by the torch on the paintwork, as well as the slight shadows on the bonnet and roof.

There are light glints on the chrome and there is just enough light shed into the interior of the car for you to see the seats.

I do have some criticism of the image however, it's not faultless by any means.

I would prefer a larger depth of field and the rear wheel is a little soft, as well as the rear bumper.

I should have probably chosen a better base for the image as well, as the brown fleece is probably not the ideal material to tie in with a car theme.

We live and learn.........

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