Saturday 25 January 2014

Lets try it

After reviewing David Hockney's photo joiners, it was time for my first attempt.

I decided to start off with a simple subject, as I thought this might aid my re-assembling of the photos into something recognisable.

I took a series of photographs of my front garden. Forty Two photographs in total (42) and re-assembled them on a digital page.

I decided that I only needed Twenty Eight of the Forty Two to completed the composition.

I loaded them into photoshop as layers and changed the size of the photos to be more manageable.

Once they images were reduced in size, I then copied them onto another new page in photoshop.

These images were then moved around until I was comfortable and happy with the composition.

Any images layers I felt did not add to the image I then turned off (made invisible)

The image was then flattened and saved as a JPEG.

The Bird Bath

The image is entitled "The Bird Bath", for obvious reasons !!!!
I think for the first attempt the image works well. The subject matter is identifiable, and the composition works well.
I feel that there is a continuity to the image allowing the eye to flow through the scene, although I feel the image hasn't lost any of its "joiner" characteristics.
Contact Sheet

Above is a contact sheet view of the 42 initial images used to make up the final composition.


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