Sunday 26 January 2014

A Pool with a view

The Keepers Pond

Spurred on by my first attempt of a photo Joiner, I decided to have a go at a larger scene.

My chosen subject was to be the "Keepers Pond" and the distant "Sugar Loaf" mountain as viewed from above my house on the top of the Blorenge mountain.

The keepers pond is so also reffered to as Pen-ffordd-goch Pond or the Forge Pond. The pond is also situated near Pwll Du. The pond was built in the early 19th century to provide a water supply for the now closed and knocked down Garnddyrys Forge, which produced iron from around 1817 to about 1860.

Although the pond is no longer required, it has become a local beauty spot.The name Keeper’s Pond comes from the gamekeeper of the grouse moors who lived in a cottage nearby.

The Process

I took a series of 54 images in total to build my photo joiners scene, although I only used forty in the final image.

All the images can be seen in the contact sheets below.

Once I had loaded all the images onto my new page, I started to arrange them to make an image. I set the camera to auto WB but left the aperture on manual, as I wanted to have varying degrees of light and dark images to add to the composition.
I used a total of 40 photographs to make up the final image, not requiring about 15.
The 15 surplus images were images that were either duplicates of part of the scene or images that were to close to the other images used to be of any use.

The Final Image

I am quite pleased with the overall effect that has been produced.
The final image has depth of field and a subject matter that can be identified. I have tried to introduce an image that is a little disjointed, i.e. not all the individual photos line up, but are not to disjointed to interfere with the overall look or flow of the image.
When taking the individual photographs that make up the image I did try and take then from different view points, again to try and introduce images with a different perspective, I think this also works well.
Can the image be improved upon? I think so, maybe having the foreground lighter would help, as well has having a human element in would also add another dimension to the image.
More practice with this type of genre is required to perfect, but with this being my second attempt I am happy.

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