Thursday 30 January 2014

Painting with light

This is a subject that I am very interested in.

I love the idea of viewing a scene in a "different light" as it were.

I also like the idea of creating an image from scratch. By this I mean generating an image using light that would not be normally viewed if taken in the daylight.

I have researched an number of individuals that use light to create a scene, and tried to take some of their ideas or processes and integrate them into my photography.

Eric William Curry

Eric was born in Los Angeles in 1956 and originally specialised in studio still life photography.

The image below was taken at night using various lighting techniques including a torch.
Eric takes a photograph of a scene with a certain section lit, he then takes another photograph of the same scene with another section lit. Finally he combines all the images as layers in Photoshop to obtain the final image above.

I think this photo is fantastic and it shows a real labour of love and dedication, to light the entire area with torch.

Painting with light really makes the image come alive, the colours are more vibrant and the detail is much more visible, when compared to the same image shot in daylight, shown below.

When you compare the two images above, you can be forgiven if you think that initially they are of two different scenes. The daylight photograph is dull and lifeless with only minimal detail that can be lost when viewing the image.
The lit photograph however is completely different, there is detail and reflection in the body of the caravan as well as details inside, as the inside of the van has been illuminated at night.

Included below is a video tutorial from Eric himself on how he put this image together.

Another image of Eric's that I like is of the plane in a hanger.
I like this image for a number of reasons.
The lighting of the plane is exceptional.
The shadows created by using a torch add to the image, which you wouldn't be able to achieve in normal daylight.
The shadows and highlights created on the man closing the door, again are that much more pronounced by using torch light and capturing the image in the night rather than the day.
I believe there is much more detail in this photograph because it was produced by the torchlight method.

More of Eric's work can be found on his website, "American Pride and Passion" just follow the link

I have used some of Eric's work as inspiration for my own painting with light project.

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