Tuesday 29 April 2014

Beach at Light

Whilst away in Spain, not only did I take the opportunity to do some long exposure, but I also did some night photography and some light painting......

I thought about utilising the lights on the beach front as well as supplementing it with some torch light along the lagoon edge, where it meets the sand.

I took 11 shots in all, (see above) and finally settled on image 7202 as the best exposed.

Above is the final image. I like this image because of it's true colours, although obviously I did use torch light along the lagoon edge and some around the start of the jetty.
This image was shot at f/14, ISO 100 and a shutter speed of 30 seconds to enable me to light up the waters edge etc.
I used my Nikon 7000 with the 18-200mm lens set at 40mm.
This shot may even make it into my photobook, as I do like it....

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