Thursday 10 April 2014

Writting Light-riture

I decided to utilise the college studio this week to come up with a light painted still life.

After racking my brains for a while I decided to set up a mock book writer set up, utilising an old typewriter, some paper, a pair of glasses, a glass of beer, the only thing missing was a smoking cigarette and an ash tray.

After setting up the camera using an ISO of 100 and a shutter speed of 3 seconds, I took a series of images. 35 in total, working my way around the still life in a clock wise motion.

Below is a contact sheet of all 35 images used.

Once all 35 images had been converted from Raw to Jpeg, each was loaded into Photoshop as separate layers and the blend mode changed from normal to lighten.

Once I was happy with the overall look of the image, slight changes were made to the brightness, shadows and contrast, a little glamour glow was also added to the image.

Below is the final image.

Overall I am happy with the final result, I like the shadows cast from the beer glass and the way in which the print is distorted through the lens of the reading glasses.
There is good detail in the typewriter and I think that using the torch light has made what could be a boring still life into something that is a little more interesting.

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