Monday 28 April 2014

More experimental Long Exposure

Whilst on holidays in Spain, I decided to continue with some long exposure photography, as milky water is an effect I really love.

There was a jetty in the town we were staying in that I had decided that the next time I visited the town I would photograph.

Google. (2014). Google Maps. Available:,-0.827884,15z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0xd6311fc3f05284b:0xafa501058347886a. Last accessed 28th April 2014.

Above is an image taken from Google Earth an on it I have identified two jetty's that I wanted to take, or had already taken.

Jetty 1, I have already shown in a previous post, but here it is again (below)

The jetty numbered 2, in the Google image above, was the other Jetty I had wanted to do, so on my return to Santiago I made it my number one priority to get the shot. As you can see from the overhead image, the Jetty has a distinct shape.

I got up at 5 in the morning, as I not only wanted to get a Sunrise shot over the sea, but early in the morning would mean less people and more importantly less light. This would help with the slow shutter speed, as I also wanted to record any movement there was in any cloud that was available.

I took several images at various exposure lengths (see contact sheet below) and finally chose image number 7245.

After a few tweek's in Photoshop, the final image can be seen above.

I would have liked to get a more red sunrise, but unfortunately due to the time of year the sun wasn't rising over the sea, but farther to the left of the image.

I will be returning in the Summer, so maybe another opportunity will present itself for another try.

Having said that, I am very happy with the image and it appears to have done well on a number of Photograph sites that I have uploaded it to.

Camera specifics are f/13, ISO 100, and a shutter speed of 240 seconds.

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