Sunday 2 February 2014

A Little light Refreshment

It was time to return inside to my studio....... Or as it's more commonly known, my Kitchen table!!!!!!!!!

The idea was to try and improve my torch light trail technique and produce an image or images that would be good enough to include in my Portfolio and Photo Book.

The set up included a powerfull  torch as a main light source, a wine bottle, some black card as a background and a small torch to create the light trails.

I might even use some El Wire.........

Set up 1.......

A 1million candle powered torch with a wine bottle sat on it to shine light through the bottle....

You can see by the contact sheet above that I had a few attempts at creating an image that I would be satisfied with.

The first image that I think that worked well was image DSC_6244, it had the effect that I was looking for.

It had the glow from the bottle that I was looking for and also the light trail was again what I was looking for.

It wasn't a great image though.........

The light trail was uneven and also the composition wasn't right. The light trail had been cut off at the left hand side....

My hand, when holding the torch also interfered with the green glow.....

Not a bad attempt, but it needed improving......

Settings for this image were..... shutter speed of 6 seconds at f/8, ISO of 100 and a Focal length of 36mm.....

I decided to give the El wire a go......

Image DSC_6254 was deemed a success for a couple of reasons.......

1. The powerfull torch was starting to loose it's power and the light emitting from it wasn't as strong, thus no green glow to be affected.

2. Compostionally, although the El wire went to the edges, because of the nature of the effect, it isn't distracting or makes you ask the question, why is it cut off.......

Settings for this image are identical to those above for the first image.......

I quite like the second image and I will probably include this one in my final compilation.....

I need to re-think and return to the torch trail around the bottle though, I wasn't happy with the outcome.....

More practice needed......

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