Thursday 6 February 2014

Wet on the outside, wet on the inside.


In my last post I thought it would be a great idea if I tried to carry out some larger pieces of work with the light painting technique.

My aim was to try and replicate a similar type of image to Eric Curry or Andrew Whytes.

Well I'm sure it hasn't gone un-noticed that the weather hasn't been to dry lately.........

So outside photography opportunities are scarce at the moment......

I decided to try a different type of image in my studio, sorry, Kitchen......

Below is my contact sheets for a final image called "mines a double"

The basic set up for this image was a bottle of Jack Daniel's, a glass filled with the same liquid and a small torch.
This was the set up on a piece of black card with a black background.

I actually like the final image, I achieved what I set out to achieve and I think it is quite striking.....
There are a few things about the image that I would like to improve however.
1. The neck of the bottle could be a little sharper, the writing is a little blurred. Increasing my depth of field will cure this.....
2. The light trail obscures the Jack Daniel's logo, this can be moved a little higher.
3. I would like to see the light trail come in from the side and leave on the opposite side and not stop within the field of view.....
Some might say that cutting off the light trail would spoil it, but I think in this case the image warrants it....
4. A Reflection, I think that the image could do with a reflection to balance the image.....
All in all, a nice image, but I think it can be improved......
I need to set up for a second take......

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