Saturday 1 February 2014

Trying something Different......

Inspired by Andrew’s techniques, I decided to have a go at making the devices necessary to generate light globes.

The picture above is of an image I took in the living room, again, to try out the technique before venturing outside.

This image was of the light globes used in unison, and is taken as one shot.

Camera settings were Shutter speed of 6 seconds, and Aperture of f/10, ISO set at 100 and at a focal length of 18mm.

These devices are simple to make and can be quite effective.

I took some old bicycle wheels and connected some battery operated fairy lights to the rim of the wheel.

I then extended the spindles so that they were the exact same length as the radius of the wheel. This means that when rolled around on their rims, they will form a "dome" when a long shutter speed is used.

Trial completed, the domes appeared to be a success, it was time to try them out in the real world........

I decided to go to a local quarry at night with a couple of other members of my local Camera Club.

I took a number of images trying different techniques with the light wheels which included having two of my friends moving around the quarry spinning the wheels.

The first image I took was that of the wheels on the quarry floor.

This was just to set up the focal length, ensure that the image was going to be sharp, and that the positions was correct.

I then waited for it to get dark and took a series of images (contact sheet above)

I like this image of the domes on the quarry floor the best, there is foreground detail, as well as some detail in the background.

The domes themselves could be improved by not having the lights as static, but overall, I am pleased with the outcome

Another image that I feel turns out well is this one of the wheels held above ground.

The scenario for this photograph entitled "Spirograph" was that two of my colleagues held the wheels above ground and moved frontwards and backwards as well as side to side, whilst the shutter was held open.

The settings for this image was shutter speed 23 seconds, ISO 100, F/8 with a focal length of 18mm.

I like this image because you can see that the lights are above ground, with the floor lit from the wheels themselves.

There is also interest on the floor, as the rocks on the quarry floor are also lit by the lights from the wheels.

Would I do anything differently?

I don't think so, I like the result.

A successful attempt at painting with light.

I have two images for my photo book, I think!!!


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