Saturday 1 February 2014

Playing with Wire!!!!!

As well as using torch light to paint with, I decided to add a further dimension to painting with light, by using EL Wire.....

What's El Wire? I hear you ask.

Well I discovered it on ebay, it is small lengths of neon wire powered by battery.

Electro Luminescant wire can be bought for only a few pounds and can create an array of different effects in the dark.

It's the stuff people attach to clothing or vehicle so that they can glow in the dark.

I bought a small 5 colour kit, which contains 5 different colour wires and a battery pack, it also comes complete with a cable which enables you to connect all 5 colours to the battery pack at the same time.

I set the camera up in the kitchen and experimented with holding and moving the wire in-front of the lens.

Below is the images I experimented with.

My favourite two in this series are DSC_0010 and DSC_0019, both of which I feel are quite effective and show off quite well the effect.

DSC_0010 (below) is called Electric Sunrise, and I think it looks like an early morning sunrise over hills... Maybe that's just me though!!!!

Taken with a 5 second shutter speed at ISO 400, F/11 at 36mm, I think this image turned out quite well, another addition to the photo book me thinks!!!!

The second image that I liked I entitled "Rainbow Rising".

The colours work well in this image and are quite vibrant.

The settings for this image are the same as the previous image, and again show the effects well.

I think the next stage of development is to move outside with this wire and combine them with a human element, maybe try and include torch light as well...

Watch this space........

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