Thursday 6 February 2014

Another Double, Barman!!!!

In my previous post I suggested that the following image could be improved by a number of factors.....

1. Improving the blurred neck label
2. Removing the light obscuring the Logo.
3. Have the light trail leaving the image on the right
4. Having a reflection....

Taking these things into consideration, I decided to set up the bottle, Glass and cardboard in another area of the Kitchen.......

The cooker top......

Being made of glass, I thought, that's ideal for a reflection..

So I placed some black card under the glass (to hide the gas burners), and placed the bottle and glass on top of the cooker lid with a black card behind it.

I then set up the camera in front of the set up and proceeded to take a series of images, trying to achieve the other 3 improvers to the image that I thought it needed.

39 images in total were taken with a variety of shutter speeds at f/11.


The final image can be seen below. Taken for 25 seconds so that I could light the glass and bottle before completing the light trail, I think I have achieved the goals I set myself from the previous image.

The neck label is much sharper in the second image, so That's an improvement.
The light trail no longer obscures the Jack Daniel's logo, so again, tick in the box....

The light trail now leaves the side of the image on the right, slightly above where it comes in from the left, hopefully this gives the sense of it travelling around the scene.

And Finally, the reflection.

Not to obvious or over powering, but there, adding some foreground interest to the image,

Can it be further improved? well yes, The background isn't as continuous as I would like and there may be just a little to much flare on the right hand lower light trail.

Is it a better image that the original attempt? I think so, but it's all subjective.....

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