Tuesday 11 March 2014

A "Light" Trig-er

Having visited the Trig point once, I wanted to visit it again to try and complete the star trails.

Unfortunately, this is Wales and when I got up to the location, you never guess what!!!!!! it clouded over!!!!!!!!

Not to waste the walk and return without and photos, I decided to practice lighting up the trig point again.

This time I changed the vantage point slightly.

The contact sheet below is of the photographs taken to make up the final image.

Again, the images were stacked in Star Stax and then manipulated further in Photoshop.
Below is the final result..

I like this second version, as there is more lead in to the Trig point with differing depths of light and shade.
The rocks are well lit and sharp as is the actual Trig Point.
There is also colour in the sky which I think adds colour to the image.
I do think however that the image can be improved further by cropping some of the  foreground as there isn't a lot of interest in the immediate foreground.
Below is the cropped version, which I think is an improved image.

The image was taken with my Nikon D7000 and Tokina 11-16mm f2.8, set at ISO 200 and @ f5.6

The good new is that apparently clear skies are due on Wednesday 12th and Thursday 13th March, so I may just complete a Star Trails image yet!!!!!

Watch this Space!!!!!!!

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