Thursday 13 March 2014

Photobook Intensions.

During this course on experimental Photography, I have leaned towards two genres.

1.     Long exposure of water.

2.     Painting with light.

I already use the long exposure technique for some of my landscape photography, so producing a Photobook of long exposure landscape and water, for me, wouldn’t be pushing my photography in another direction.

Having read Eric Curry’s Book “Painting with light” and viewing many of his photographs as encouraged me to delve deeper into this genre.

Eric isn’t the only person who I have researched for this genre however and another two Photographers that produce images that have inspired me are Andrew Whyte for his “light painted” vehicle shots, as well as Michal Iwanowski for his photography project called “Ne”, in which he “light paints” scenes incorporating individuals, whether it be internal or external locations.

The result of a well performed light painted photograph brings out a completely different image from one that is photographed in the day.

The torch light brings out different details in a light painted photograph than the same scene would offer if photographed during the day.

It’s this difference that encourages me to produce a photobook of images shot at night using torch light.

My intension is to produce a professional Photobook of some 20 photographs from different locations, incorporating different objects and light, taking inspiration from the three aforementioned photographers.

It's layout will consist of an image per page, incorporating maybe a double page spread if any of my images allow. This will be assessed nearer the time of completion.

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