Sunday 2 March 2014

Revisiting the Car shoot.

Having tried to paint my car with light a couple of weeks ago, I decided to give it another go..

I was hoping for a better sky as well and better definition and a better final image.

Below is the Contact sheet of the images taken.

This time I also had the addition of a late night orientierer walking past with a head torch, giving a squiggly line in the background.

Unfortunately I wasn't early enough to get a light sky and it was wet and getting colder, but I want to improve my skills and the only way to do this is practice.

After reading Eric Curry's book, practice will only improve my skills.

Below is the final image.

I am happier with this result as I think the interior is better, along with the bodywork being painted slightly better.

The light trails in the background of the photo are also much better and the addition of the passer by also adds another element to the image.

I think the foreground is better lit as is the road. The underneath of the vehicle is also better lit and there is better definition in the headlights.

Overall I think this image is an improvement on the first attempt.

Practice, Practice, Practice..... I think that's the mantra!!!!!!

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