Saturday 22 March 2014

"Light"ning fast dual Processors

As this course is all about experimental Photography and my chosen book subject is painting with light, I have tried to come up with various ideas of scenes or senarios that I could experiment painting with light.

"Light"ning fast Dual processors was an idea I had of both my teenage children sitting at the kitchen, using a laptop table whilst I painted them with light.

I only have one laptop, so I decided to do one section of the scene first, then move the laptop, and then paint the second section of the scene, I then decided that I would blend these images together in Photoshop.

I took 6 photographs (above), firstly lighting my son and laptop, then the chair and surrounding area, then the kitchen units. I then moved the laptop and proceeded to copy the process for my daughter.

I then blended these together in Photoshop.

The arrangement worked quite well, both subjects are lit as I intended and they both appear to be using laptops at the same time, although there is in truth only one laptop.
There are a few things about this image though that could be improved.
1. Both subjects faces are a little blurred, maybe if I shortened the exposure time to a couple of seconds on each subject and concentrated on the head first, then continued with a separate exposure for the body, that might improve or removed the blurriness.
2. There isn't enough detail under the table. I could have removed both subjects and chairs after painting them with light and shone the light under the table for better effect.
3. The background of the image, again could be improved further I think by lighting that separately.
Will this image make it into the final photo book. Probably not, I could however re-stage and re-shoot it, as I think it can be improved to a point that it will make it into the book.

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